Happy Mothers Day, Now where are all my Hot Wheels cars you threw out?

Most of us men all had Hot Wheels toy cars when we were young and must of us left them littered across our bedroom floor despite the warnings of our mothers. I know there were more than a few times that my mother would come into my room and tell me to clean up those cars or else she was going to throw them out. Holding true to her promise, I guess she did or at least I thought she did. I do not remember the exact date, but one day those diecast cars were gone, I pitched a fit and was told to forget about them.

Many years had passed and last Mothers day we were sitting around the dinner table and i thought to ask dear old mom about her throwing away my Hot Wheels. I had not told her that over the past years that collecting them had become a hobby of mine as it just never came up in conversation. When I asked the direct question of weather she really threw them out or not, she thought for a moment and said, she thought she put them in a box and stored them in the addic. I could not wait for dinner to finish and rushed up the attic stairs to begin plundering. It took me fours and one re-organized attic, but I found a big box full of these vintage and now rare Hot Wheels. I thanked mom and apologized for not keeping them cleaned up off of the floor.

The box was full of some highly valuable cars and childhood memories and I looked up all of them in my Hot wheels price guide and could not believe the values. several are worth well over a couple of hundred dollars.

So this Mother's day, apologize to mom for never cleaning up the cars off of your bedroom floor and ask her if by chance she saved those diecast cars she said she threw out. You might just be surprised by her answer.

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Hot Wheels Cars